Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Take Your Breath Away

Sister, girlfriend
has a man ever
took your breath away

No I mean, really
it could just be me but
the sight of some men makes me have to
bow head and find some composure
or at least the facade of
self dignity until I can
got to a private space and
deeply exhale

A certain man can walk into my space
and distract my entire focus
interrupt my sentence as it tumbles from my lips
leave my mind blank while
the body throbs by his mere presence

Is it just me?
Is my woman dial up
way too high
drowning out logic and caution
self restraint and demureness?

Finding myself
remembering why I love
black men
the distinct magnificence that they create
by their very logic, simple existence
complicated rhythm, magnetic radiation

Wanting to internalize deep scent and
listen to native tongue
admire street rawness and
encourage pure brilliance

Not all possess it
but the ones that do
call to me so loudly by simply walking near
acknowledge me immediately
with a slight smile
a simple nod
realizing that I
recognize them for the true kings
they are

Trust me, girlfriend
allow yourself to enjoy
black men
to remember the innate thrill of them
to allow them to
take your breath away

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