Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Fault

Got to be fair
it just might be my fault
did I
release want and desire
into the air like
opening the vacuum suctioned lid
unable to contain
fresh scent wonderful aroma as
it carries through airwaves
wafting and sifting
luring those tuned in
keen enough to get a whiff
to come take a sample bite
a luscious lick, a tiny taste

Got to be fair
maybe the sudden urging
you felt
was the mere overflow from
new found woman lust
bubbling and peculating
springing up and spilling over
running loosely down and spilling all around
spreading quickly, sprinkling lightly
impossible to contain
saturating you and your mind
with new thoughts and challenges
sudden urges that compelled
attracting you and overtaking your
common sense

Got to be fair
maybe I made the first move
covert and instinctual
bringing us to this place
this spot
wondering how we got here
and what we should do next....

1 comment:

Kai said...

ah very deep.

miss a.kai