Monday, February 05, 2007

Need Space

You have to leave some space
some air
a little room to breathe

Its impossible to deeply inhale
enjoy the fresh brisk breeze
sway with the delightful wind
when you come around

Like a vacuum
you seem to draw in
every imaginable particle
even light fades
sucked into your magnificent being
causing you to glow
brighter and
shine iridescent
while the entire world
becomes your mere backdrop

So, you gotto move
go away and
allow sound to return to me
light to sprinkle its rays across me
wiggle fingers and shake hips
breaking through the
immobile cast
statue, figurine that I become
whenever you are around

I can't control me
near you
don't live life
so wrapped into you
everything else falls grey
in comparison
its not your fault, I know, but
there is no other solution

please, please go
so that
I can breathe again

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