Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I Can Show You

Are you sure you want to learn?
positive you are ready to be taught?

Mine is a different type of love
a sweeter form of intimacy
searching the crevices of your spirit and
examining every inch of your being
listening to each muscle moan and
learning every reflexive response

We can take our time
listen to the rhythm of each heart
can you feel how mine races
just because your eyes have rested on me
have taken the time to really see me
reflect back a beauty
that I have never actually attained
mirror a genuine admiration
at which I sigh and shake my head
causing me to want to love you
to give you the best that I have
the most intimate me that I can offer

Or we can lose ourselves in the passion
let go and allow the thunder to roll
the sound to fill every orifice and
create its own vibe, its own stimulation
cause a tantric river to run
within us, flow throughout us
rising with each gentle lap against
this love's private banks and
fall with the smooth tide slowly retreating
by the natural pull of the moon

I can show you
teach you how to
tap into the atmosphere
the earthly natural wonder
that is created in you
expand your sensual mind
pique your every sense
until we both fade away
into brilliance's magnifiscence
holding holds and
deeply intertwined
a unique solo breath
a rare encounter

but I can show you
If you are ready to be taught...

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