Monday, February 05, 2007


"I notice every little thing
about you"
he said
and my heart hurt
the good kinda hurt
the breathless, deep desire
longing for a simple taste of you
type of hurt

cause the brotha noticed
paid attention
made me a priority
in the myriad of his life
thought on me
when i wasn't in his face
remembered me when
I hadn't been around

observed me with
subtle smile
eyes promising long nights of
intense passion
cause he would study me
learn my response
take note of my peak and
experiment with each reaction

my smile escaping me
lingering at the edge of my lips
unable to fight my surprises
at his sincerity, purity
natural beauty and
wonderful maleness

He noticed and
the thrill of it
made my heart hurt
breath escaped me, cause
this special man
took time to think
on me


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