Tuesday, March 06, 2007

If I Kiss You

If I kiss you
will you tell
spread the word and
inform the hemisphere
destroying a second opportunity
or another chance
ruining what could have been

Or will maturity
seal your lips and
keep you waiting, wanting
knowing more is in store
once you pass this
trying test

If I kiss you
will you stand still
allow me to
trace your lips
fill them in
touch and caress them
while hands rest
along your chest
tasting you and
enjoying the deepest intimacy
fulfilling every form
of a true kiss

If I kiss you
can you stand it
withstand it
contain yourself while
heartbeat quickens and
pressure rises
tingles began to spread
through the roof of your moth
along your spine
travel down your thighs
invading your entire body
until the slightest touch
resonates like electric shock

Yep. All that from a kiss
I promise
If I kiss you...

1 comment:

Bianca said...

Thats deep!