Sunday, March 04, 2007

Man Up

Let a tear fall
tumble slowly down
Don't restrain it
just let it go
followed by a loose flow
breathe, while the others escape
stumbling down the ridge
of your fine cheekbone
resting on the firmness
of your perfect chin

It's real
the representation of emotion
of pain
actuality stunning the mind and
jogging the sense

And you've cried before
maybe not over a women
and certainly not over me
but, you need to know
that this is how it feels
what you have made others do
while your selfish desires were carried out

No. I am not cruel
Could not normally stand the sight
of a man crying for me
without my own tears
forming, joining
covering me and
I end up apologizing
for nothing, game flipped and
my sorries laid out
for pointing out your wrongs
and causing you to face your inequities

Not today
when you scoffed and laughed
bragged about the
emotional torment
you have caused so many
in the name of conquering and
winning, sexing and discarding
I set my heart to steel and
decided to let you feel the pain
sit through the burn
grind out the intense anguish
of emotions rejected and
heart ripped to shreds

Man up.
Let those tears spill.


Kai said...

that is really deep!

Kai said...

you're very welcome