Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Must Be a Groupie

I must be a groupie
it's the only explanation
here I am rolling eyes and smacking lips
judging others for the same lure
vicious trap, into which I fell

His abilities and talents hang before me
like splashes of life against the blank canvas
like that elongated carrot to a ravenous rabbit or
the sparkling diamond before an love starved woman

I've become transfixed
desiring my idea of him
lusting after my belief of him
wanting, no needing him to be
what I have conceived of

My perception reliant on
nothin more than
his talent

But he must be golden right?
How else could he have such a gift
possess such an inflamed skill
only someone special and sublime
could contain the supernatural within

Every view or rare experience
brings me closer to infatuation
with this person I don't even know
have no chance of meeting and
wouldn't know what to say or
even how to relate
if he did fall into my lap

Leaving me to be
a simple groupie
longing for this stranger
like pure spun gold

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