Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Maintain the Status Quo

There is so much to lose and
so little to gain
but my attraction to you
is intoxicating, stimulating
insatiable and mind boggling

Will you, talk to me
whisper softly
say my name and
mutter that code
the secret words
unlocking the safe
breaking open inhibitions
pouring the wave only in response to you
can you do that, for me....


You came to your senses first
while my head bobbed in and out of
this tide of sensual confusion
yours returned to sanity,
clear and focused

Knew that both our lives
had already inexplicably changed,
just by the meeting, and
forward motion was actually unnecessary
to fulfill the magnetic energetic explosion
already experienced

Your departure rescued my life
maintained my status quo
but deflated me
knowledge that my mental, physical, emotional partner
only spiritual soulmate
had disappeared,
even if for my own good

I accept your leaving
comprehend the scope, magnitude
fundamental sacrifice of your decision
Now, I love you even more.

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