Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life is Love

I almost caved in
fell for it
absorbed and succumbed to it

The irrational anger that
swept through my inner chamber
blood boiling the internal river
blame forming a ball of slick resistance
lodging itself at the back of my neck

Foulness spewed forth
hacking and hurling
thick and uncomfortable
blocking my breath and
snuffing out my inner joy

"This life is useless"

Huh? The thought escaped the
sealed inner chamber, sliding through the
cracked door where depression and post partum
misery, painful memory and self doubt had been
neatly tucked away, shut in
sealed and locked

The thought jolted me back to reality
the whispered lie snatched me from misery's slumber
I jumped up and away from self pity's grasp
slamming shut the vault of regret and
bolting it with reinforced steel

Then I released that dreaded lie, removed it from my spirit
I'm not falling for
hate's seductive grind
my life is love
for which I am grateful

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