Thursday, November 16, 2006

Love's Lure

Got to wonder what
real love is
Can I have some?
A taste, a drop
Just a thick dribble

Can I stick out my tongue to capture
love's raindrop, heavy and golden
rolling against my cheek and
transforming into liquid purity and sincerity
tumbling lightly down my throat
infecting the very core of me

I want to strip down and
roll completely in it
dive and swim deeply
within it
navigate through its
lush paths and thick jungles
struggle up its cold snowy peaks

Maybe, I can become so saturated
satiated and drenched by love
that it will air dry on moist skin
lingering to every DNA strand
radiating loves sweet scent
calling and luring
drawing you in like
sweet honey to a beautiful bee

1 comment:

NSD said...

Love, am I in it? haha! ;)