Monday, April 30, 2007


It took me a moment
to realize that he was interested
had somehow noticed me
among the sea of smiling faces
and decided to clue in
return my gaze
catch my eye

There was a time
when I felt so invisible
wishing someone would simply
see me
realize that an energy force
dwelled within me
but, that was long ago
before life and maturity
released me from depressions despair

Feeling free and happy
exuding confidences beauty
I hadn't even noticed him
noticing me
Until well into this tango

instead of feeling flattered
or hiding in fear
I finally accepted
that I am worth being noticed
that I possess something
worth observing
that a man's attention is
a welcome compliment
not life defining
but warmly reassuring

So, yeah, it took me a moment
to accept that I had made it
onto his grid and
determine that I was worth it
but when it finally sank in
I gladly returned the acknowledgement
gladly indulged myself in his attention
gladly accepted his interest
in me.

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