Wednesday, April 04, 2007


There is emotional manipulation
it exists, believe me

when initial good intentions
and lofty goals
are twisted and distorted
manipulated and abused
utilized to feed the ego
to cover inner holes
create some definition of worth
of love, relying on the
infinite value of being needed

I know the manipulator that you are
I see it, covered only slightly
by devils clear blue eyes
no doubt your intentions were initially sincere
but how often do you remind folks
of all you have done for them
dismissing the hours and energy
they themselves committed.

How often do you reflect guilt
or sadness
imposing unfair grief
making sure everyone knows,
and feels sorry for you
pointing out just how they have
failed to shield you
carry you
consider you
include you

Poor little you.

Your emotional hail storm
may go unrecognized among the young
among those that rely on you
need you to anchor the ship
on which magnificent dreams float

but me and mine
we remain wary
refuse to succumb
have decided to no longer participate
rather walk away and
continue this course alone

Hell, we made it this far
without you
no reason to
carry any more baggage
full of your emotional manipulation

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