Thursday, April 17, 2008

Resigning calm

with resignation comes
calm, even contemplation
the remains of a
tired soul
a spent muse
energy bounded together and
neatly packaged, perfectly formed
removing the frayed edges
which are emotion:
heartache, love, confusion and hope

I no longer hope
no longer wait for change or
dare to believe that there is difference
every word brings us back
forming a tight circle,
a strangling noose
a spiral of pain resurfacing, never changing

because you focus blame on me

but resignation brings
a strange sort of calm
a powerful detachment
now I'm redirecting my energies
my love
toward rivers
that run to beautiful oceans
sparkling and crisp
full of life and eternal wonders
instead of pooling lifelessly
in the dark marshy swamp
that is your heart

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