Friday, December 28, 2007

Remain Quiet

afraid to say
i love you
afraid it might be
too little, too late
I have doubted it
every time it passed your lips
frowned my face
wondering how
wondering why
why would you
or anyone
love me

But I am ready
ready to believe me
ready to believe me worthy
ready to try to bestow upon you
an emotion
I barely have for me
can I love you
if I don't know how to love me

I am unsure
but I want to try
I want to say it
I want to utter those three words
that seems so easy
but feel like
stones passing through my
vocal chords
I love you
but, dammit
I just can't say it

i can't force it
maybe one day you will realize
but, then again, maybe you won't
either way
I just remain quiet.

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