Monday, December 24, 2007

The Perfect Christmas

The Perfect Christmas

The sunlight trickles
through the window shades
snow, so light
falling perfectly
a dizzying maze of
unique imprinted
icicles from heaven

here with me
hugged tight
my eyes resting on the festival of lights
boldly flashing from our
tiny tabletop tree

The begining
the first one
the future laid out in front of us
like an immaculately spread, magnifiscently prepared
bountiful buffet
meager gifts ignored;
You have already taken all of me and
I received the most intimately hidden wonders

of you

we have forever
we have right now
we have shared dreams
we have everything
wrapped in each other's arms
watching heavens exquisite sprinkles
I close my eyes and
melt like those beautiful snowflakes
in the sincere warmth of your kiss

the perfect Christmas

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