Monday, December 24, 2007

I Owe You

I think I owe you
a little bit more
maybe not the truth
Im not ready to
go there yet
but more

My loyalty
for all you have been
to me
a beam of support
a strength through the night
your whispered tones
trailing a path
down my neck
along my
tickling me so lightly
caressing so gently

My patience
for any perceived fault
ignoring any deserved slight
understanding that we
have dragged this thing on
without definition
and frustration makes us
reach out and
harm, hurt and maim
one another

My love
for the brilliant being
that dwells so humbly
within you
that you mask and cover
but allow me to
peep and
revel in your shine

I owe you something
a little bit more
not the truth
not yet
but certainly
every other bit
of me

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