Thursday, May 24, 2007

Upset With Me

You are upset with me
I can tell
cuz you avoid me
and refuse to meet eyes

But I still want you
still long to learn you
still hope the intimate cave
of your chest
is mine and mine alone
I know you're upset
but we can work past that
be more than that
find fulfillment in something
simpler than that

Your upset with me
but I love you anyway
and I will work to make it right
to dry out the humidity of anger
until it is a mere thin powder
than I can easily blow away
while I whisper
sweet desire
in your ear and
linger at the base of your earlobe

You are upset with me
but, I know how to make you smile
see there
you can't contain it, huh

You are upset with me
but, admit it
you want me anyway

1 comment:

Kai said...


i did enjoy the warm weather...