Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Traitor

They called me a traitor
to my face
said that I sided with their men
the only girlfriend who
knew all the dirt and didn't tell

They said I had a duty
to warn them, forewarn them
sabotage their boyfriends
extracurricular love affairs
protect their stake and claim
bond with the girlfriends
for the sake of womanhood

I thought they were crazy

They were gettting dogged, no doubt
but I wasn't their boyfriends god and
none of those men had to answer me

additionally, none of the "girlfriend crew"
attempted to befriend me until
they realized I was tighter with their men
than they were
I was more trusted by their men
than they were and
I was faithful to my man who
gave loving right back to me

I nodded, listened, gave them the respect of being heard
then I walked away
and let them judge me, hate me
label me foul
I didn't owe them

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