Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ugliness Inside

The ugliness inside
can only hide for so long
can only be contained
for a limited period
can only remain covered
for a finite space

until it decays
spreads and destroys
the outter covering
the fabricated protection
the loosely maintained

Your ugliness is exposed
spreading out through forked tongue
hurling against truths nature
a lying serpeant
slapping us
directly in the face

Your ugliness is exposed
your fake exterior is demolished
and those around who loved you
retract and withdraw
shy away and disappear
protecting themselves and their loved ones
from the pain and havoc
your evil nature
will surely reek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many people have I known like this? So sad, but so liberating to recognize (and accept) the truth and get gone! :)