Thursday, January 03, 2008

Mr. Smith

The little girl
knocked at the door
her hair wild
her clothes mishapen
There was only so much
her little shoulders could carry
only so much
her strong mind could bear

He answered the door
overlooking her at first
but, glancing down, he read the
pain in her eyes
the hurt deep in her soul
he was the only one
who had any clue
who knew how much she suffered
who tried to ease her pain
without saying a word

20 years later
that little girl
sits here typing
admiring God's strategically placed angel
who offered comfort
when the world seemed so cold
who remained solid
when her own parents
ruptured the very ground
on which she stood

Even now,
20 years later
she remembers his smile
his dry humor
the comfort he offered
allowing her access
to the stability of his home
even now
20 years later
she thanks God that he
was in her life
even if only for a little while

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