Sunday, March 29, 2009

Remind Me

remind me
of love
bring it back to me
like a clear picture
a static free recording
let me touch it
taste it
savor its wonder
swirl in its pureness

remind me of love
give it to me
a cherished gift
a magnificent prize

remind me of its sound
light and free
deep and guttural
absorbed and overwhelmed

i lost it
or it escaped me
but you bring it back
you make my body recall
my brain reconfigure
my life make sense
you bring it back to me
stay with me
remind me

Monday, March 02, 2009

Damn Me

how does one
purge the mind
spit out the mistake
regurgitate the garbage
douche away the disgusting residue

why is there no
clear cut way
of mental flushing
no membrane dialysis
no spiritual antiseptic
or memory diuretic

if i could i would
throw you up
shit you out
pass you throw
gurgle you up and
spit you away

if i could i would
scrub away
any layer you touched
any space that took in your sight
any membrane that absorbed your sound
or fell victim to your lying touch

I would discard every aspect of me
that was contaminated by you
surely the cleaner pieces are worth more
than the sum total of me, contaminated by you
but I can't figure out how
to cleanse me
to disinfect me
to decontaminate me
destroying me

I can't figure out how
to save me,
but damn me
for exposing my all
to you