Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Remember Me

What will it take
for you to remember me
to determine me special
worthy of a separate space
in your memories

What should I do
for you to remember me
think on me fondly
feel your heart rate quicken
your adrenaline flow
an automatic reaction
a subconscious joy

Hope that when
you close your eyes
and remember this moment, this minute
this day, this event
you have recorded every second of it
my smile and my laughter
the sweet scent of us
the wonderful mix of us
the intense passion of us
the perfect joining of us

Hope that I leave you
with a piece of me
to carry in your memories
to tuck away and reminisce on
in the middle of the night
in the depths of the storm
at the peak of your trials

Hope that you remember me
that I was able to bestow upon you
the same effect
the same wonderful thrill
the same beautiful memory
that you have given me.

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